Lean Business Model Canvas Eda.ua


It takes a lot of time to find relevant for the user restaurants that have food delivery service.


Online service that allows users to find restaurants of any cuisine and order the meals of their choice to be delivered within their city.

Key Metrics

1. Total # of providers (restaurants, shops).
2. Total # of customers.
3. # of registered customers.
4. # of orders.
5. # of items in the order.
6. An average bill.
7. # of cities covered by Eda.ua service.
8. Marketplace sales conversion.
9. Cross-selling conversion.
10. # of reviews.

Unique value proposition

24/7 food delivery service with no extra charge.

Unfair advantage

1. Users are able to make group orders from the restaurants.
2. The option to order products from niche shops.
3. Cross-selling based on the initial online order.
4. Call-centre to process and submit the orders to the restaurants quickly. (In the post-Soviet Union countries call-centre has a significant influence on the success of the marketplace. People browse online, however, it is often more comfortable for them to make a call and confirm all the details).
5. The option for employees to order office lunches.
6. Reviews coming from the real customers.
7. Reward programmes and discounts for Eda.ua users.
8. There are exclusive restaurants presented on the marketplace.


1. SEO
2. Contextual advertising
3. Affiliate Marketing
4. Email-marketing for the registered customers
5. Social networks

Customer segments

Service providers portraits:
- a restaurant / a cafe that has a delivery service,
- a niche shop with a delivery service,
- catering companies.

Users portraits:
- a user who wants to save time by quickly ordering food or other products to a particular location.

Cost structure

1. Employees salary (provider managers, call-centre team, marketing specialists, developers)
2. Marketing
3. Hosting (servers) expences

Revenue Streams

% of the total amount of ordered meals/products, covered by the provider.

More about Eda.ua

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