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Lean Business Model Canvas for Dobovo.сom
Vendor's side: to find an occupant for the apartment and advertise the apartment on a timely basis.
Client's side: to find an apartment to rent on travel or business trips, or a place to host a party whilst making the booking and paying online.
To develop an online platform where landlords and renters can find each other and exchange services.
Key Metrics
- Number of flats on the website (growth)
- Number of flat owners (growth)
- % of paid orders
- Number of reviews
- Ratio between the number of visits and paid orders (conversion)
Unique value proposition
To help choose and book apartments on a regular basis via the call center without any fees or taxes.
Unfair advantage
- Base of landlords
- Loyal customers
- Flat availability calendar
- Contextual advertising
- Partnership with search catalogs
- Partnership programs (referral links, widgets, XMLAPI)
- Partnership with bloggers, discount services, events
- Marketing buzz
- Email marketing for those who had already booked a flat before
- Social networks
Customer segments
Vendor's side:
- Landlords who can own one or multiple properties
- Realtors
- Agencies that offer daily rent
Customer's side:
- Travelers
- Employees on a business trip
- Clients who want to rent a flat for a party
- Men who book a flat for a date
Cost structure
- Salary of the company's employees responsible for the online and offline communication
- Marketing (SEO, contextual advertising, SMM, work with search catalogs, etc.)
- Cost of hosting (servers)
Revenue Streams
Transaction Fee Revenue Business Model, % from a transaction for an online booking is from 5% to 15%. The percentage varies depending on the city, but for each city the fee is fixed.
More about Dobovo.com
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