Header photo: scovad / depositphotos.com
Lean Business Model Canvas for Doba.ua
To find and rent an apartment online.
A platform with a variety of available flats and the direct contact details of the owners.
Key Metrics
- Number of flats on the website (growth rate)
- Number of Landlords (growth rate)
- % of clicks on the “Show Contacts” block (contact phone numbers are hidden) in the ratio to the number of users who saw the advertisement
- % of pictures the customer has viewed
- % of ratings the customer has viewed
- Number of ratings
Unique value proposition
At the time of launch, it was the first proper online service.
Unfair advantage
- Base of landlords
- Loyal clients
- Contextual advertising
- Partnership with search catalogues
- Marketing buzz
- Social networks
- Email marketing
Customer segments
Vendor's side:
- Landlords
- Realtors
- Rental agencies
Customer's side:
- Travellers
- Employees on a business trip
- Clients who want to rent an apartment for hosting a party
- Couples who rent an apartment whilst on vacation
Cost structure
- Salary of the company's employees (who are responsible for the online and offline communication)
- Marketing (SEO, contextual advertising, SMM, work with search catalogues)
- Cost of hosting (servers)
Revenue Streams
Posting an ordinary rental advert costs on average $9, the premium one costs $13. The price depends on the city and the season.
More about Doba.ua
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